

B-Connect Volume 5

It’s never too late to get back on track. SUCCESS AWAITS.

George Elliot, a well-known author, once said, “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” This phrase haunted me throughout December 2021 and early January 2022. Over December, I watched many YouTube and Tik Tok videos with my kids, especially the epic fails ones.


That got me thinking: How many of us had our carpets pulled from under us? How many of us didn’t make the skateboard jump? How many of us had the major slip when carrying a full tray of milkshakes? And how many of those milkshakes, because of Covid, landed on your clients? How many clients and suppliers alike landed on their backs on the pavement and endured a daily ice bucket challenge?

In all honesty, I don’t think a single business can say they were not impacted and that the pandemic did not taint their dreams and ambitions. But it is never too late to rebuild and get back on the path to success.

Let’s look at some positives:

Most people have been working from home in a more relaxed environment. Although some are returning to the workplace, some companies have opted to continue working remotely.

It got so much easier to meet through Teams and zoom where one can record the meeting. It has worked exceptionally well for us as a business, and we will continue with this practice. Not only does it save travelling time and cost, but you also have a recording and a to-do list at the click of a button. Gone is the he-said-she-said.

Traffic, to me, is the ultimate winner! Fewer cars on the road mean a lot less stress and anger management!

The first question a client asked me was where to start the rebuilding process. The quick and easy answer is GOALS. Yes, we must set short-, mediumand long-term goals. The goals should extend into our financial affairs, as most of the goals are financially orientated. An excellent short-term goal is to pay off smaller debt. The medium is to re-start the study activities or start planning for the matric farewell dress for your daughter in 5 years. The long term is that 25th wedding anniversary getaway to Monaco or a Caribbean Island. The most important thing is setting the goal, formulating the plan, and then managing the plan. So, although the pandemic has thrown you slightly off-course, a few tweaks could get you back on track.

As a company that supplies Financial Services to clients, we had to do the same – we had to change the way we worked in the last few years, but most importantly, we had to adapt to assist you in achieving your goals. I am pleased that we could easily adjust and not drop the ball. As advisors, we must have a formal qualification, and through continued professional development, complete an accreditation test yearly to give you sound advice on products.
